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Here’s Why You Should Hate Skylights (wink wink)

Most in the building industry will tell you and their customers: “I love skylights…in someone else’s home.”

This article from Velux, one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of high quality skylights, addresses the problems and gives solutions from both the homeowner and installer point of view. Additionally, it discusses common concerns and objections surrounding skylights in the building industry. It highlights six problems that can make people dislike or distrust skylights:

1. Putting Holes in Roofs: The article acknowledges that installing skylights involves cutting holes in roofs, which can be frustrating, especially in new roofs. However, it suggests waiting until it's time to re-roof to install or replace skylights.

2. Leak Concerns: Historically, skylights were prone to leaking, leading to customer dissatisfaction. The article mentions advancements in engineering and offers a 10-year installation warranty to address this issue.

3. Excessive Light: Too much sunlight entering a home can cause fading of furniture and household items. The article suggests using shades, which can be installed with skylights and come in various styles.

4. Heat Issues: Skylights can make rooms uncomfortably hot, particularly in warm climates. The article recommends solar-powered shades that automatically close during the hottest part of the day.

5. Condensation: Condensation on skylights, especially in bathrooms, can be problematic. The article mentions a ventilating skylight option to reduce condensation-related issues.

6. Cost: Skylights are seen as expensive home additions. The article points out the availability of federal solar tax credits for skylights that use solar energy, making them more affordable.

In conclusion, while the article acknowledges common concerns about skylights, it ultimately suggests that they can be a valuable investment for homeowners and a source of additional revenue for builders, encouraging a more positive perspective on skylights.

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